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Structure exercises

Structure exercises Posted on November  14th, 2009 by Technology Department    STRUCTURES TYPES OF FORCES THAT ACT ON A STRUCTURE 1º Fill in the blanks in these statements. (a) The two main kinds of structures are _______ and _______ structure. (b) If a frame structure has no ‘skin’ on it, […]


STRUCTURES   A structure is a group of elements somehow united to support a load with stability. Examples of structures are  bridges, electricity pylons or dams. Can you think of others?. Well, you’ll probably think of tall buildings or long bridges, but there are also other examples such as chairs […]

Metals activities

Metals Metals2    Metals Activities  Metals activities for secondary school students Metals activities  A fantastic BBC video about the Blast Furnace   A blast furnace is used  for smelting to produce  iron. In a blast furnace, iron ore, limestone and coke are continuously supplied through  charging hole (the top of […]


Metals Metals2    Metals Activities  Metals. Ferrous metals. Iron, Steel and cast  iron. Siderurgy Prehistory In the metal ages there were three distinct periods, each of which is named for the materials that, because of their importance at these times, represented each period: The Copper Age (5000 years ago): owing […]

Material test 1

Wood Materials Exercises Test 1 Test 2 Test about Materials   Questions about Materials 1º How can you turn the water back to ice?. Does ice take up a bigger or smaller volume than water?. 2º Optical properties. Definitions and examples. 3º What is a Biodegradable material? 4º What happens […]

Materials and Wood

Wood Materials Exercises Test 1 Test 2 Materials and Components   Choosing the correct material for any particular task is essential for a manufacturing activity. Materials are divided into: Raw materials ( natural and artificial ) and Processed materials ( artificial materials ) Natural materials such as wood or stone […]