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Material test 1

Wood Materials Exercises Test 1 Test 2 Test about Materials   Questions about Materials 1º How can you turn the water back to ice?. Does ice take up a bigger or smaller volume than water?. 2º Optical properties. Definitions and examples. 3º What is a Biodegradable material? 4º What happens […]

Materials exercises

Wood Materials Exercises Test 1 Test 2 Materials exercises    A Bit about Temperature and heat. Heat always travels from a warmer area to a cooler one. In a fridge, there is a heat-exchanging tube  ( Evaporator ) that absorb heat from the hoot food  and it is leaves  because […]

Materials ( Metals)

Wood Materials Exercises Test 1 Test 2 Metals    There are two significant groups of metals: Ferrous metals: contain iron. First figure ( boat ) Non-ferrous metals: do not contain iron. Example, copper tubes To choose the correct material for any particular task is essential for a manufacturing activity. Non-Ferrous […]

Materials and Wood

Wood Materials Exercises Test 1 Test 2 Materials and Components   Choosing the correct material for any particular task is essential for a manufacturing activity. Materials are divided into: Raw materials ( natural and artificial ) and Processed materials ( artificial materials ) Natural materials such as wood or stone […]

Sección Bilingüe de Tecnología en Inglés

Sección Bilingüe del IES Pedro de Valdivia Página diseñada por Juan Carlos Parejo ( Pagina no Oficial mantenida por  el propio profesor  ) Qué hacemos  : En el año 2005, la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Extremadura, eligió este centro educativo para impartir los dos ciclos de la  […]

Sección Bilingüe del IES Pedro de Valdivia 1

Página diseñada por Juan Carlos Parejo ( Pagina no oficial mantenida por  el propio profesor  )  Para acceder a los contenidos en Inglés, pinche en el siguiente enlace ESO Technology  Qué hacemos  : En el año 2005, la Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Extremadura, eligió este centro educativo […]

Php Delete

Php Listing Modify Delete     Deleting a record in a Mysql database.   The object we wished to sell has been sold and it’s time to delete the announcement so that people stop calling us. To do this we have to undertake three tasks. 1st Delete the record from […]


Php Listing Modify Delete     Internet, webmail, website and Php y Mysql.   Webmail: Webmail ( Web-based e-mail)  such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail or  Hotmail,  is an e-mail service intended to be primarily accessed via a web browser. A major advantage of web-based e-mail over application-based e-mail is that […]


Networks Tcp-Ip DNS Internet Conections     DNS and Data Security.   A big problem with the Internet is that data is transmitted using telephone technology, which means unauthorised users can intercept the data relatively easily. Which is a bit of a pain, really. On-Line Shopping uses Encryption Software 1) […]


Networks Tcp-Ip DNS Internet Conections  Networks.   Internet basics. The internet, is known and loved by everyone ( except those who are still waiting for something to download!) and it is the biggest growth area in Technology at the moment. The Internet is an international Network of Computers The Internet […]