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Nuclear Energy

Energy Wind Energy Solar Energy  Nuclear Energy  Nuclear energy. Fusion and Fission   Nuclear energy is energy obtained from the  nucleus of some  atoms. There are enormous amounts of energy in the bonds that hold nucleus particles together. If we break these bonds, energy is released and energy can  be […]

Solar Power

Energy Wind Energy Solar Energy  Nuclear Energy  Solar power. How to use its energy   About the sun:   Solar Power is energy obtained  by the sun in the form of light. ( When you are at the beach, you feel the sun as  heat energy, but heat energy can’t […]

Energy and Power

Energy Wind Energy Solar Energy  Nuclear Energy  Work, Energy and Power   Work: A man pushing a car along a level road is said to be doing work. The amount of work done depends on the force exerted and the distance through which the force acts. UNIT OF WORK: Since […]

Turbo Jet

Mechanism Gears Steam engine 4 Stroke engine Turbojet Exercices  Turbo Jet. The heart of the aeroplane   Newton’s third law says: For every force acting on a body there is an equal and opposite reaction. 1600 years before any flying machine could ever fly and before Newton announced the third […]


Mechanism Gears Steam engine 4 Stroke engine Turbojet Exercices  Gears,   Gears or toothed wheels are type drives which are used to transmit motion between two shafts or a shaft and a component having linear motion, by the meshing of two or more gears. The ratio of the rotational speeds […]

Structural Forces

Materials Building Structure Forces Types Exercices     Structural Forces    The different parts of a structure are either in compression or in tension, or both. A steel cable one centimetre in diameter can support up to 9,000 kg or what is nearly the same, the weight of two  Indian elephants!. […]


Computers Drivers     Computers    Exercises Computers   In this topic we’re going to study the fundamental parts of computers and what functions they have In general terms, the function of computers is to take in data that is inputted by peripherals (keyboard, mouse, stylus etc), process this data […]

types of currents

Electricity Type of currents Moving charges Ohm low Power  Types of currents. ac/dc    What does it mean: ac/dc? Ok, apart from a rock group? There’re  two types of current, defined based on  the directions of the movement of the  electrons. An electric current is called a direct current (d.c.) […]


STRUCTURES   A structure is a group of elements somehow united to support a load with stability. Examples of structures are  bridges, electricity pylons or dams. Can you think of others?. Well, you’ll probably think of tall buildings or long bridges, but there are also other examples such as chairs […]

ferrous and non ferrous metals

Metals Metals2    Metals Activities  Metals. No ferrous metals. Copper, Silver ..     Metals on earth   Apart from ferrous metals, there are other metals which are used alot in technological appliances. It is worth highlighting the use of (among others) copper, bronze, aluminium etc Pure non-ferrous products. Aluminium […]