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Metals Metals2    Metals Activities  Metals. Ferrous metals. Iron, Steel and cast  iron. Siderurgy Prehistory In the metal ages there were three distinct periods, each of which is named for the materials that, because of their importance at these times, represented each period: The Copper Age (5000 years ago): owing […]

preguntas 1

Wood Materials Exercises Test 1 Test 2 Preguntas tipo para la 1º Evaluación   1º ¿ Como se clasifican los lápices ?.2º Dibuja una escuadra y un cartabón de forma que el ángulo que forme sea 60 º3º Repite lo mismo para que forme 135 º 4º Realiza la planta, […]


Technology! making your life easier.. Posted on October 20th, 2008 by Jc parejo What is Technology. It is useful.   Where is  Technology and can we live without it? Do you want the answer?. Nothing  easier. Turn of the electricity and water supply, disconnect the telephone and throw away your mobile  […]