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Mechanism Gears Steam engine 4 Stroke engine Turbojet Exercices  Levers. Give me the place to stand, and I shall move the earth (Arquimedes) A lever is a simple machine that makes work easier; it involves moving a load around a pivot using a force. In a lever there is a […]

Materials Exercises

Materials Building Structure Forces Types Exercices   Materials Exercises   1º The function of slates is to prevent water from penetrating the roof of houses. They are principally made of clay and they are cooked at a high temperature. What is the name of one of the components which facilitates […]

Construction Materials

Materials Building Structure Forces Types Exercices   Construction Materials. Ceramics, Glass and reinforced concrete Posted on December  14th, 2009 by Technology Department   Ceramics: All types of bricks used in construction are ceramic materials that are modelled and dried by the action of heat. The most important components of bricks are […]

Building Structure

Materials Building Structure Forces Types Exercices   Materials. Introduction     Structureis comprised of pillars, beams and tie-beams made of reinforced concrete or iron. The structural system of every house is required to support and transmit various loads. These Loads can be classed as static or dynamic. In houses, the […]

Building Materials

Materials Building Structure Forces Types Exercices   Building Materials.   The illustration shown on the right represents the essential  elements of a modern Building. Parts: Foundations: This is a structure ( made, mainly, of cement, iron and  gravel ) that transfers loads to the earth. The primary design concerns are […]


Materials Building Structure Forces Types Exercices   Materials. Introduction   Millions of years ago, man used to manage simples materials, such as wood, to make unsophisticated tools or constructions Nowadays, man has invented new materials which can be used in many different situations, even in our own bodies ( See […]

Pc exercises

Computers Drivers     Computers    Exercises Pc  exercises   Computer Questions about Computers 1.the function of computers is … 2.How many types of computer do you know? 3.Where are the programs stored ? 4.Example of an exit peripherals 5.Example of an input peripherals 6.Definition of hardware and software 7.What […]


Computers Drivers     Computers    Exercises The Mouse     The mouse is a pointing device generally made of plastic. It is used by one of the hands of the computer user and it detects this hand’s movement in two dimensions on the level surface the mouse is on. […]

electricity exercises

Electricity exercises   Read and complete: Voltage and current A battery is a source of electrical energy – it provides the ‘pressure’ which causes electricity to flow. We measure this electrical pressure in volts, V. The higher the voltage, the greater the pressure. The flow of electricity is called current […]

electrical power

Electricity Type of currents Moving charges Ohm low Power  Electricity: Moving charges Posted on October  24th, 2008 by Technology Department  ENERGY CHANGES IN A SIMPLE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT The electric power in watts represents the rate at which energy is converted from  electrical energy to some other form of energy, e.g., […]